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最早於1987年出版的《Where's Wally?》可說是相當受到大小朋友歡迎的遊戲互動書,該書的特點以主角Wally到各地旅遊為主軸,在豐富的風土人情與複雜的畫面中,試圖尋找Wally的蹤影。透過不同的提示與指引,訓練小朋友的專注力與細心程度,書的最後還附上了已完成清單,這一Where's Wally?系列,不僅訓練孩子的觀察力也透過不同的主題讓孩子熟悉世界各地的風土民情,可說是一套寓教於樂的互動遊戲書。
The Where's Wally? series has sold over 75 million copies worldwide.
Start the search for Wally in the original eye-boggling classic activity book!
Hey Wally watchers! Join the hunt for Wally in his fifth wonderful adventure!
Wally is now a global phenomenon, and this book is truly Wonder-full! Take the Wally challenge and go up and down the Corridors of Time, wander around the Fantastic Flower Garden, witness the Mighty Fruit Fight, visit Clown Town and see many other wondrous Wonderlands! Wally and friends are hiding in every detailed scene. Full of eye-boggling extras and hours of fun, this is the fifth classic Wally adventure. Wow! Amazing!
English • Age 5 - 9
25 X 31cm