【POINTS OF VIEW】6 本 #B | 兒童辯論題材 | 觀點與角度系列 | 青少年話題 | 英文科普百科
型號: Points_Of_View_B6
存貨狀態: 現貨產品

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#1 Should Boys and Girls Go to Separate Schools? (Points of View)

Some people strongly believe boys and girls should go to separate schools. Others believe this separation isn't good for students. People on each side of this debate use different facts to support their point of view. Readers discover these facts and how they're used to support opinions in this engaging critical thinking exercise. As the main text encourages respect for other opinions, fact boxes, graphic organizers, and vibrant photographs provide additional information and exciting visual elements. Gender equality is an important issue, and this look at gender and education provides an accessible introduction to this topic for elementary readers.

#2 Should Every Community Have a Library? (Points of View)

Libraries are an important part of many communities, but some people have argued that they're not as necessary as they once were. Budget cuts and the rise of the internet have led some to question the need for libraries. As readers explore this point of view, they also find compelling reasons why many still consider a library in every community a necessity. These reasons are presented through accessible main text that is enhanced by fact boxes, full-color photographs, and a detailed graphic organizer. This critical thinking exercise promotes a love of reading and respect for other opinions.

#3  Should the Government Pay for Health Care? (Points of View)

What is universal health care, and why do people have such strong feelings about it? As readers discover the answers to these questions, they strengthen their critical thinking skills. The objective main text asks readers to form their own opinions about health care and who should pay for it. Fact boxes provide readers with statistics to back up their opinion, no matter what side of the debate it falls on. With a detailed graphic organizer and full-color photographs filling the pages, this creative look at current events is sure to help inform the next generation of active citizens.

#4  Is It Wrong to Ban Books? (Points of View)

Debates over what time to start the school day are happening in many communities. Because this decision affects students, it's helpful for them to understand the arguments used on both sides and to form their own opinion about this issue. They're able to do so after exploring this debate through accessible main text, eye-catching fact boxes, and a detailed graphic organizer. Relatable full-color photographs enhance this crucial critical thinking exercise. Is there a scientific reason why teenagers hate waking up early for school? The answer is waiting for readers to discover.

#5  Should the Voting Age Be Lowered? (Points of View)

As young people are becoming louder voices for change, the idea of lowering the voting age has been brought up more often. While some people believe this would encourage teenagers to become more active citizens, others believe there are good reasons to keep the voting age at 18. As readers explore both sides of this debate, they learn essential facts to form and back up their own informed opinion on this topic, which has real implications for their future. Fact boxes, graphic organizers, and full-color photographs enhance the objective main text, creating a reading experience that enhances critical thinking skills.

#6  Should We Trust the News? (Points of View)

"Fake news" is a term used by politicians and on social media. It can be difficult to know what news sources to trust, or if any can be trusted. The question of whether or not we should trust the news is at the center of this critical thinking exercise, which is also an accessible introduction to media literacy. As the informative main text details each side of this debate, fact boxes present statistics readers can use to back up their point of view. In addition, a helpful graphic organizer and full-color photographs act as engaging visual learning tools.

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