SEQUENCE Letters Game | 遊戲棋盤 | 兒童動物序列游戲 |學習英文 | DIY游戲 | 家庭游戲 | 親自陪伴 | 互動游戲
型號: Sequence_Kids_1530
存貨狀態: 現貨產品

More details

Fun and easy gameplay does not require reading

Players play an animal card from their hand and place a chip on a matching animal space on the board.

Helps kids develop strategy-building skills

Each card is pictured twice on the game board, so players will need to choose wisely as they try to get 4 in a row.

Wild cards add excitement to the game

Use a unicorn card to place your chip anywhere, or use a dragon card to remove an opponent’s chip. Get 4 chips in a row to create a ‘SEQUENCE’ and win!

1 個折疊遊戲板

42 張撲克牌

21 個紅色、21 個黃色、21 個藍色和 21 個綠色籌碼


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